Kanye West Indicates He Was "Set Up" To Apologise to Bush

Two days after Kanye West apologised to George W. Bush for calling him a racist on US television, the über sensitive performer backtracked - claiming he was "set up" by an NBC reporter in twitter rant.

In a pre-recorded interview with the Today Show's Matt Lauer on Tuesday, Kanye West apologised to former US president George W. Bush for calling him a racist in a MTV clip about hurricane Katrina in 2005.

He said: "I would tell George Bush, in my moment of frustration, I didn't have the grounds to call him a racist. But I believe that in a situation of high emotion like that, we as human beings don't always choose the right words. And that's why I'm here."

Bush, who was interviewed live on the NBC Today Show yesterday, said (even though he got the rapper's name wrong): "I appreciate it. I don't hate Conway West. I am not a hater."

But the peace didn't last long, even before West’s interview was aired, he went on Twitter to criticise Lauer.

"He tried to force my answers," West tweeted in all capital letters. "It was very brutal and I came there with only positive intent."

West said that NBC set him up by playing the MTV clip while asking him questions about Bush. West went on to rant about being used and abused by the media. He even invoked Michael Jackson’s name, and said he could relate to the scrutiny the King of Pop was under.

"I wish Michael Jackson had twitter!!!!!!" West wrote. "Maybe Mike could have explained how the media tried to set him up!!! It's all a f-----g set up!!!!"

Despite having an album scheduled for release this month, West said he would give no more interviews.

"I don't trust anyone but myself," West wrote. "Everyone has an agenda. I don't do press anymore. I can't be everything to everybody anymore."


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